Life Adventures
Bluffton Homeschool Classes
Wednesdays or Fridays

​1300 N Main St, Bluffton, IN 46714​

fun & friends
​and MORE!


*Fridays are NOT a drop-off day for students 10 and under. Parents are asked to stay on premises at all times. You're welcome to have another adult take responsibility for your student if you need to leave.

9 AM

10 AM

11 AM

1 PM

2 PM


*Wednesdays are drop-off only for students enrolled in these classes. We don't have a full cadre of volunteers and the gym and social hall will not be available.

9 AM

*Wednesdays are drop-off only for students enrolled in these classes. We don't have a full cadre of volunteers and the gym and social hall will not be available.

10 AM

11 AM

12:30 PM

Where is Life Adventures Bluffton?


​1300 N Main St, Bluffton, IN 46714​

Wednesday or Friday Classes

Register Your Family for Access to Enroll in Classes

Benefits of Life Adventure Classes


  • This leaves 12 weeks available to follow delight directed learning, or learning through travel... what do you want your homeschool to look like?  Follow your dreams.


1st Semester: Aug 30 – Nov 22 (breaks Oct 25)

2nd Semester:  Jan 10- Apr 11 (breaks Feb 21 / Mar 28)

Wednesdays follow the same weeks as Fridays


  • You’re welcome to sign up for just a class or fill in your child’s homeschool with a few! Choose what works best for your family!​


  • For kids to be kids and MAKE FRIENDS / For moms to hang out and MAKE FRIENDS

ST. JOSEPH CHURCH ​1300 N Main St, Bluffton, IN 46714​

  • Handicapped accessible
  • Playground for parents supervised by their young children ​
  • Gym for kids to run off steam during inclement weather

Enrollment Fees

​We accept credit card payments online at the time of enrollment or check by mail. A $20 Non-refundable yearly Enrollment Fee is required for each class. The class fee listed in the title is due the first day of class and should be turned in at the registration table.


We ask our families to volunteer by setting up a field trip, contributing to a class party, etc. It is how our group is able to do so many things. We ask that you volunteer as you're able.

Additional Class Policies

  • Inclement weather cancellations will be called based on common sense and our host facility. Cancellations for weather will be posted on the facebook page by 7:30 am on the day of any scheduled event or classes. Additionally if Northern Wells Community Schools closes due to weather, Life Adventures closes, too. In respecting parents' schedules for vacation, etc., we will not extend classes beyond the scheduled end of the semester. Teachers will get the information from class to your student via e-mail, facebook, or text.
  • Class cancellation due to teacher illness may be handled one of 2 ways: Teachers may find an authorized teacher of Life Adventures Homeschool Classes to substitute to teach a class. Alternatively, the teacher may contact parents to let them know class is cancelled and get the class information to them in another format (for example via e-mail). In respecting parents' schedules for vacation, etc., we will not extend classes beyond the scheduled end of the semester.
  • Children must remain in class until dismissed or removed by their parent. Parents of preschoolers and early elementary students must come to collect their children at the end of class.
    Classes are scheduled to allow 5-10 minutes between classes for bathroom breaks, drinks of water, getting assignments together, etc. Students are encouraged to visit with each other during class breaks, but will need to be aware of the time and the start of the next class.
  • Children ages 10 and under should not be left at the facility without an adult present. Parents are welcome to make friends and trade off with each other. However, an adult must be present on site in case of an emergency.
  • Only students over the age of 10 are permitted to remain at the facility without parental supervision in between class periods. These students are welcome to stay in our social hall in between classes, as long as they can be respectful and quiet.
  • Refund before the start of classes: Classes paid in full, but dropped before the first day of classes are eligible for a partial refund. The $20 enrollment fee is non-refundable. ​
  • Refund after the start of classes: Classes must be dropped within twenty four hours after the completion of the second class meeting to receive a partial refund at the discretion of the teacher. The $20 enrollment fee is non-refundable.

Bluffton Homeschool Teachers are BEST!

We're thrilled to offer you our most exciting classes to make learning excellent and FUN!

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