Life Adventures
Waynedale Wednesdays
Homeschool Co-op

633 Lower Huntington Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46819

An enrichment cooperative for students Preschool through 8th grade.
 We have experiential electives and vocational exploration for your eager learner.
** We would love to offer high school classes. As a co-op, please contact us to help teach one and we'll offer it!**

NOTE: Waynedale is NOT a drop-off site. An adult must stay on-site, if only in their car.

Life Adventures Fort Wayne Homeschool Co-op 
2025-2026 Waynedale Calendar

Women of Waynedale
Waiting to Become Your Friend

Waynedale Co-op Info

This is a true co-op model with an inexpensive price for parents willing to teach!!


This leaves 12 weeks available to follow delight directed learning, or learning through travel... what do you want your homeschool to look like?  Follow your dreams.


This leaves 12 weeks available to follow delight directed learning, or learning through travel... what do you want your homeschool to look like?  Follow your dreams.​

  1. Adventure Weeks scheduled into every month leaving time for Kids Adventure Club, field trips, visiting grandma, etc!
  2. Each month of classes includes 1 week off!!! The ULTIMATE homeschool schedule!!

Semester 1: Sept 4, 2024 – Dec 11, 2024 (breaks Sept 25, Oct 23, Nov 27) 4 weeks Christmas Break

Semester 2: Jan 15, 2025 – Apr 23, 2025 (breaks Feb 5, Mar 5, Apr 2)


  • You’re welcome to sign up for just a class or fill in your child’s homeschool with a few! Choose what works best for your family!​


  • For kids to be kids and MAKE FRIENDS / For moms to hang out and MAKE FRIENDS


ANNUAL FAMILY REGISTRATION - An initial family registration fee of $25 allows your family access to our classes including the co-op. It assures every adult in the classes has a background check to help secure the safety of our children. This fee also includes FREE Support Group and Kids Adventure Club!!

  • When you help teach 2 classes in the co-op, you only pay the $50 non-refundable enrollment fee per class per child - each class only costs you $25/semester!!
  • Lesson plans are provided for many classes!!
  • Co-teachers may be available to help you teach!

Each Waynedale Co-op class costs only the $25 semester enrollment fee when you help teach 2 classes in the co-op.

If you'd rather not or are unable to teach, you are welcome to pay the additional class price of $100 per semester per class due the first day of class and can be sent in with your student.

Waynedale Baptist Church
633 Lower Huntington Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46819

  • Extended private drive far off the road for safety
  • Private entrance for our children
  • Built-in Service Projects
  • ​Playground & extensive yard for parents supervised by their young children ​
  • Close-knit group of moms wanting to welcome you and eager for more friends.
  • Parents, siblings and students are welcome to wait on premises during breaks and between classes. (Games and school work are encouraged to keep students busy when not in class.)
  • Parents are always welcome in the classroom with their student (and we may ask you to jump in and help.)
  • GYM CLASS is available!!

Class Policies

  • Inclement weather cancellations will be called based on common sense and our host facility. Cancellations for weather will be posted on the Facebook page by 7:30 am on the day of any scheduled event or classes. Additionally if Fort Wayne Community Schools (FWCS) closes due to weather, Life Adventures closes, too. In respecting parents' schedules for vacation, etc., we will not extend classes beyond the scheduled end of the semester. Teachers will get the information from class to your student via e-mail, Facebook, or text. If FWCS has a delay, we do not delay. Please use your best judgement on road conditions.
  • Class cancellation due to teacher illness may be handled one of 2 ways: Teachers may find an authorized teacher of Life Adventures Homeschool Classes to substitute to teach a class. Alternatively, the teacher may contact parents to let them know class is cancelled and get the class information to them in another format (for example via e-mail). In respecting parents' schedules for vacation, etc., we will not extend classes beyond the scheduled end of the semester.
  • Children must remain in class until dismissed or removed by their parent. Parents of any student 2nd grade and under must come to collect their children at the end of class.

  • ​All students must have an adult (aged 18 or older) on campus who can handle that child in an emergency or to help calm the child. That person does not have to be a parent, but an older teen sibling taking classes is not an adult and doesn’t count.

  • Classes are scheduled to allow 5-10 minutes between classes for bathroom breaks, drinks of water, getting assignments together, etc. Students are encouraged to visit with each other during class breaks, but will need to be aware of the time and the start of the next class.​

  • Keep our policies in mind when selecting classes. Students who have a break in classes must bring seatwork, cards, or board games to play with their friends during breaks. No running indoors, rough-housing, unsafe, or destructive behavior will be permitted. ​

  • Refund before the start of classes: Classes paid in full, but dropped before the first day of classes are eligible for a partial refund.  The $50 enrollment fee is non-refundable. ​
  • Refund after the start of classes: Classes must be dropped within twenty four hours after the completion of the second class meeting to receive a partial refund at the discretion of the site coordinator. The $50 enrollment fee is non-refundable.

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