Life Adventures Hybrid at 
St. Therese

2 Day (full hybrid) for PreK (3y.o.) - 12th grades

Your Educational Program, Your Way

Hybrid Classical Co-op

->  2 Day Drop-off
or   Co-op

 2 Days / 1 Day / 1 Class

Take a look at our Classical Curriculum Cycle

Classical Curriculum Cycle

Frequently Asked Questions

1 or 2 Day Full-time Classes

Hybrid Info

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St. Therese has teachers who differentiate their classes. That means the same class can challenge honors or gifted learners and we can make accommodations for some special needs as well.

What is a hybrid?

A hybrid homeschool is a blend of homeschool and "regular" school. It roughly covers the instruction and group activities of full-time school in just a few days and then parents work on "homework" the majority of the time leaving you free for family pursuits. Our hybrid is careful not to violate HSLDA's definition of homeschooling as the parent oversees the majority of the schooling.

1 and 2 Day Full-Time Enrollment takes priority over a la carte classes

Pricing & Hybrid Information

Hybrid Class Coupons

11:30-Noon Catholic Conclave

Students who are enrolled are automatically invited to our
Catholic Conclave sessions
each Monday and Wednesdays 11:30-noon.
We'll give out awards, practice hymns & prayers, and invite participation in everything we do.

11:30-12:30 Shared Lunch Hour

12:35-12:55 Catholic Conclave

Students who are enrolled are automatically invited to our
Catholic Conclave sessions
each Monday and Wednesdays 11:30-noon.
We'll give out awards, practice hymns & prayers, and invite participation in everything we do.

*All class enrollment is for the year

** Life Adventures requires a $25 annual Family Registration

*** Books are not included

24-25 Hybrid School Year Dates

1st Semester

Mondays & Wednesdays

Dates:  Sept 9, 2024 – Dec 11, 2024 

12 weeks per semester

2 semesters

- - -

A full year of science, history, literature and electives will be covered in 24 weeks.

Hybrid students work in the suggested English and Math curriculum with enrichment and skill-based group activities in class. Parents will need to continue math and English books to complete a full 36 weeks of those subjects.

2nd Semester

Mondays & Wednesdays

2nd Semester: Jan. 6, 2025 - Apr 2, 2025

Monday Schedule at a glance

Scan up the page to the time frame you're looking at to have live links to all the classes.

Wednesday Schedule

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