Life Adventures at
St. Therese Homeschool Hybrid
Fort Wayne's First Hybrid Homeschool Classical Co-op in the Catholic Tradition
PreK-12th: Hybrid & Co-op
1st-8th: Full-time Classical
In true classical fashion, students are grouped together by ages and skills in some subjects while working with their grade in others. So if your 4th grader is a history whiz, he's welcome to move up with the big kids in that subject. English and Math are divided into traditional grade levels. We allow flexibility for an education that follows the child, rather than the other way around. Classical education often integrates subjects, showing how various disciplines are interconnected. This interdisciplinary approach can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the world.
The real cost of a classical education is around $10,000 per pupil. Therefore, families are needed to aid in fundraising and recruiting efforts throughout the school year to cover the remaining cost of education. We value our benefactors making this educational option available to families.
We hold up the family as the building block of civilization and are eager to enhance families' lives as much as is possible. Discipline and respect are highly prized virtues in our academy that strives for academic excellence along with spiritual growth in each student and teacher. The preparation for lifelong learning cannot be overstated as a tremendous benefit of this educational model.
As we seek to raise saints, even though we're still on the journey ourselves, staying in the heart of the Church and next to our family is the safest place for our children to be - thoroughly Catholic.
Every registered family is invited to our 11:30 Catholic Conclave, shared lunch, saint parties & service projects.
An academic setting that allows your child to be accountable to his schoolwork and still have the value of working at his own pace at his individual level. Take advantage of our 4 year classical sequence where the education conforms to the child instead of trying to fit the child into a prefab mold.
Since students of like skills and ability are grouped together, parents are free to request a younger or older student in a particular class. Our ages & stages are geared to the stage of development your child is in right now. We do life the easy way - TOGETHER!
As with all Life Adventures locations we make sure our combined lunch hour is filled with games, a few service project, and seasonal class parties!! Plus your student gets:
yearbook, spirit days, combined lunch hour, student government, school swag, and more!
Differentiated classes mean that whether your student is on, above, or below grade level they will be with students in their similar stage and challenged on their level all in the same classroom. We have teachers that are happy to offer honors or a few learning accommodations to your student.
As a homeschool hybrid program your student is welcome to be dropped off for 8:00am Mass and enrolled classes 2 days a week from 9am-3:30pm. As a co-op we have opportunities for parents of PreK-12th to help out for a drastically reduced class price. Meet a friend and help us create a beautiful community in the image of the Holy Family.
PreK-12th grades
at St. Therese Catholic Church*
2312 Lower Huntington Rd., Fort Wayne, IN
sponsored by Life Adventures Homeschool Resources
In rooms generously provided by the parish, we'll hold rotating classes for your Catholic homeschool student.
Choose any class and attend once a week. Parents assist your student to keep up on the homework.
*Does not include $50 enrollment fee per class
This is our entire classical offering including all parties & activities.
This price is ~25% off the class fee
*Does not include $50 enrollment fee per class
**Parents provide books
***Parents must ensure English & Math books are finished beyond 24 weeks to complete a year.
When your student enrolls in a full-day we give them a discount.
This price is ~15% off the class fee.
*Does not include $50 enrollment fee per class
*Does not include $50 enrollment fee per class
Choose any class and attend once a week.
When a parent volunteers, all their children get the co-op price for the hour(s) they volunteer.
This price is ~50% off class fee
*Does not include $50 enrollment fee per class
This is our entire classical offering including all parties & activities.
When a parent volunteers for 2 full days, all their children get the co-op price.
This price is ~60% off the class fee
*Does not include $50 enrollment fee per class
When your student enrolls in a full-day we give them a discount.
When a parent volunteers for 1 full day, all their children get the co-op price.
This price is ~55% off the class fee.
*Does not include $50 enrollment fee per class
*All class pricing is for the year
** $25 Life Adventures requires an annual Family Registration
*** Parents are responsible for providing books
St. Therese Educational Academy Classical Hybrid (TEACH)
In true homeschool fashion, sometimes students will be sitting at tables and chairs and sometimes we'll work on the floor. However, we don't have access to any of the classrooms in the school. You're welcome to contact
St. Therese about full-time 5 days per week school enrollment.
Mondays & Wednesdays
Mondays & Wednesdays
Sept 8, 2025 - Dec 10, 2025
Fall break Oct 20 & 22
Thanksgiving break Nov 24 & 26
12 weeks per semester
2 semesters
- - -
A full year of science, history, literature and electives will be covered in 24 weeks.
Hybrid students work in the suggested English and Math curriculum with enrichment and skill-based group activities in class. Parents will need to continue math and English books to complete a full 36 weeks of those subjects.
Mondays & Wednesdays
Mondays & Wednesdays
Jan 12, 2026 - April 8, 2026
Spring break Feb 23 & 25
Are you a cabinetmaker, hobbiest,
have seamstress abilities or are just a generous soul?
There are a variety of items we're looking for and we'd love your help . . .
Click to view all our dreams and wishes
Would you like to get your student on our radar? Classes will resume soon. This form just lets us know you're interested.