Life Adventures
Leo Thursdays Homeschool Co-op

 Leo Methodist Church
13527 Leo Rd, Leo-Cedarville, IN 46765

From 12th grade - PreK, we have all the classes your homeschool kids need.
A Christian academic learning environment for a variety of different learning styles.

25-26 Classes open for enrollment April 1

Leo Homeschool Classes

9:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

1:00 p.m.

2:00 p.m.

 Leo Classes by Grade Level

Click on a grade level to see classes in that grade level.
Grade levels are a "guide" - please contact a teacher to place a younger or older student in an interesting class.

Leo's Teaching Team

Click on the teacher's name to see their classes

Site Coordinator

Trish loves coffee, peanut m&m’s, hiking trails, being at the lake and would live near mountains if she could. 

Yuleima loves Bible story time each day. We started with 10 minutes and now it's an hour.

Catie loves...all things vintage

photography, campfires with s'mores, naps, breezy summer days, and

coffee with old & new friends

Anita loves books, coffee, chocolate, wine, and bonfires!

Heather loves reading, chocolate, and board games. 

Laura loves piano, Jane Austen novels, and spending time with family.

New Paragraph

Tirzah loves spending time outdoors - hiking, camping, and campfires!

Sarah loves oil painting, teaching, sewing, gardening, and hosting family gatherings.

Leo Class Info


This is a true co-op model with an inexpensive price for parents willing to teach or pay the class price and drop off your kids 10 and over.

This leaves your schedule freed up for long weekend adventures that can include Fridays & Mondays

Choose only the classes that work for you. Take one or lots more!


  • This leaves 12 weeks available to follow delight directed learning, or learning through travel... what do you want your homeschool to look like?  Follow your dreams.​

Semester 1: Sept 2 – Dec 12, 2024 (breaks Sept 26, Oct 24, Nov 28)

Semester 2: Jan 16-Apr 24, 2025 (breaks Feb 6, Mar 6, Apr 3)


  • You’re welcome to sign up for just a class or fill in your child’s homeschool with a few! Choose what works best for your family!​


  • For kids to be kids and MAKE FRIENDS / For moms to hang out and MAKE FRIENDS

Leo Methodist Church 13527 Leo Rd, Leo-Cedarville, IN 46765

  • Handicapped accessible one level only
  • Built-in Service Projects
  • ​Gym available in afternoons!!​ *A parent must remain on-site for students in gym class.


Enrollment Fee + Class Fee (or Co-op Participation)

Enrollment Fees - every class & every student

Due to popular demand - Enrollment Fees are for the duration of class.

  • This means a year-long class will have an enrollment fee of $50, which enrolls your student for the year.
  • A semester long class will have an enrollment fee of $25.
  • Some classes extend beyond  a normal 50 minute class, and those classes carry a $100 enrollment fee.
  • You do NOT have to re-enroll your student for 2nd semester.

​We accept credit card payments online at the time of enrollment or check by mail. A $50 Non-refundable yearly Enrollment Fee is required for each class.  The remainder of your total is listed in the title of the class and is due the first day of class and can be sent in with your student or can be paid on the website. 

Choose 1

Full-pay Classes & Families

  1. Some classes are not eligible for co-op pricing and are only available as Full-pay. They are marked with an ending asterisk *. 
  2. All classes are eligible for anyone (including non-co-op families) to simply pay the cost of the class provided they've registered their family with our Family Registration Form ($25 annual fee).
  3. Class Fees for Full-pay classes are paid directly to the teacher on the first day of class for each semester. Most Leo classes cost $115/semester (which usually means $15 to cover materials used in class (copies, etc.) and $100 for teacher fees.) A few classes carry additional materials fees. Parents are responsible for books & additional requested materials for your child's class. This means you are directly hiring your teacher as a subcontractor.

Co-op Classes & Families

  1. Many classes are eligible for co-op pricing to co-op families.
  2. To participate in the co-op, register your family with our Family Registration Form ($25 annual fee) and after getting invited to our private facebook page, contact our site coordinator to see what volunteer positions are still available.

Volunteer for 2 positions or co-teach 2 classes :

  • Get earlier access to enroll in classes
  • Eligible for 4 co-op classes for your family where the only money due is a $50 enrollment fee per class. (total of $240/yr for 4 classes)
  • Every additional volunteer/co-teach position is an additional 2 classes @ $50 enrollment fee only (as volunteer positions become available).

We do not want any students to be left out of our group due to financial constraints.

  • We do have a certain number of Work-Study positions available for discounts on classes. Please contact us for more information.
  • Some teachers are willing to make trades of services or goods in exchange for classes. Please contact each teacher for information.
  • ​In addition, if a family is in a difficult position, we have a very limited amount of scholarships available. Please contact us for more information.

Class Policies

  • Inclement weather cancellations will be called based on common sense and our host facility. Cancellations for weather will be posted on the Facebook page by 7:30 am on the day of any scheduled event or classes. Additionally if Fort Wayne Community Schools (FWCS) closes due to weather, Life Adventures closes, too. In respecting parents' schedules for vacation, etc., we will not extend classes beyond the scheduled end of the semester. Teachers will get the information from class to your student via e-mail, Facebook, or text. If FWCS has a delay, we do not delay. Please use your best judgement on road conditions.
  • Class cancellation due to teacher illness may be handled one of 2 ways: Teachers may find an authorized teacher of Life Adventures Homeschool Classes to substitute to teach a class. Alternatively, the teacher may contact parents to let them know class is cancelled and get the class information to them in another format (for example via e-mail). In respecting parents' schedules for vacation, etc., we will not extend classes beyond the scheduled end of the semester.
  • Children must remain in class until dismissed or removed by their parent. Parents of preschoolers and early elementary students must come to collect their children at the end of class.

  • ​Children 10 and under must have an adult (aged 18 or older) on campus who can handle that child in an emergency or to help calm the child. That person does not have to be a parent, but an older teen sibling taking classes is not an adult and doesn’t count.

  • Classes are scheduled to allow 5-10 minutes between classes for bathroom breaks, drinks of water, getting assignments together, etc. Students are encouraged to visit with each other during class breaks, but will need to be aware of the time and the start of the next class.​

  • Keep our policies in mind when selecting classes. Students 11 and up are welcome to attend without a parent present when you as a parent determine they can be responsible for their own behavior. They must bring seatwork, cards, or board games to play with their friends during breaks. No running indoors, rough-housing, unsafe, or destructive behavior will be permitted. ​

  • Refund before the start of classes: Classes paid in full, but dropped before the first day of classes are eligible for a partial refund. Contact the teacher about a refund. The $50 enrollment fee is non-refundable. ​
  • Refund after the start of classes: Classes must be dropped within twenty four hours after the completion of the second class meeting to receive a partial refund at the discretion of the teacher. The $50 enrollment fee is non-refundable.

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